Information about +242069690890

Trace Owner details of +242069690890


+242069690890 is business number, listed for Ngampika. Ngampika is a Shopping mall in Congo - Brazzaville. The contact address of +242069690890 is rue mouyondzi, Brazzaville, Congo - Brazzaville.

Business Name Ngampika
Business Address rue mouyondzi, Brazzaville, Congo - Brazzaville
Business Category Shopping mall

Browse Other Numbers:

Cell Number Business Name
242044831300 Destiny Mode
242056219585 Est Balma
242066337272 Hotel Mindongo Ouesso
242057185737 Ets el wfa
242068976464 St� Tchievi D�pot Brasco
Cell Number Business Name
242222815786 FAO Congo Brazzaville
242050506060 Radisson Blu M'Bamou Palace Hotel, Brazzaville
242050506060 Radisson Blu M'Bamou Palace Hotel, Brazzaville
242054101010 DoubleTree By Hilton Pointe-Noire
242044777777 Kafei

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